Nov 8, 2000 -- the Day After
Wednesday, October 13, 2004, 09:39 PM
The NYTimes front page headline: "Bush Appears to Defeat Gore; Hairbreadth Electoral Vote; Hilary Clinton Goes to Senate".

The subtitle to that article: "Florida is decisive". How true that was, we would only learn later.

A poll conducted by the Voter News Service showed that about a fourth of the voters "rated honesty a more important consideration than experience or an understanding of the complex issues of the day... those people tended to vote for Mr. Bush".

What will this year's exit polls show?

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A walk down Memory Lane
Wednesday, October 13, 2004, 03:05 PM
A little over four years ago, on my 40th birthday, I was sitting in front of the TV watching election returns. It was pretty late at night and they had just called Florida for Gore. But I was sticking around for the concession speeches. I'm a masochist that way.

Anyways, I must have falled asleep, because the next thing I remember hearing was that the networks were taking back their call. I sat up groggily and fumbled around for the remote to switch channels; they were all saying the same thing, but I couldn't figure out whether I was still asleep or not.

Several months of legal hijinx ensued, leading us to the infamous 5-4 vote, and thus to our current predicament (*cough* Diebold *cough*).

I saved NYT articles from that crazy period. If I can dig 'em out from my pile of junk in the basement, I'll start posting excerpts here. If we are going to be doomed to repeat history, we might as well have good soundbytes from the last time through!

Other election news will be posted here; the more useless and bizarre, the better.

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